=================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
"Be honest, because honesty can give us peace of mind" and make science as a guide to the world and the next door until our last breath, And make him smile because he was the intermediary heaven for you later .. "
I want to find the right person who without the cover with lies, and he soon will I make sandingan eternal life later. Because for me the weather is very high and he can educate a seed leads to the world and the hereafter with a handful of hope His heaven. "My mother always made me smile, there is or is not every day before and after the activity I've always looked at a framed picture on the wall and deep inside of my heart while saying "mom, thank you for what you gave to me". Selecting one among the weaker sex is natural, and rather than not at all. But do not ever think to hurt him and because someday I will accompany a person and he will be in call the mother of a child. Hope it always pray for my mom in the presence of someone who will make my mother smile bsa essential to happiness ... amien ...
"jadilah seorang yang jujur, karena kejujuran dapat menjiwai ketenangan bathin kita" dan jadikanlah ilmu sebagai panduan menuju gerbang di dunia dan akhirat sampai kita menghela nafas terakhir,Dan buatlah dia tersenyum karena dialah perantara surga untukmu kelak.."
Days where the morning sun shine woke me up. Eyes that reflect tired, my body is weak while flexing the joints in my body. I walked over to the refrigerator, and I opened it and keep looking for material to eat .. Shortly phone rings, after take that phone I talk to people who used to make me as a friend, friend indeed and she is my mother who will always be my love forever. Sometimes if our mother was near us, there are some friends who complain to me "why the hell, our mother was always angry, my business interfering."
I hear their complaint was silent and smiled. Then I came back saying "Did you ever see your mother's face when she fell asleep, did you feel how it feels to carry loads up to 9 months with the sacrifice between life and death, have you ever felt any errors of any kind, will always be forgiven and our mother just smiled. .. " That is some thing that may be something that for us that we consider small, but what it's like if we are positioned to be like that .. One central question which I gave to them".
What have you give to a mother with affection so nearly perfect until we become people who really stood firm and ottoman from crawling to walking?" They shut down for a moment, without a word out of their mouths would be something that leads to a complaint .. In my heart I said, it's easy - I hope I can be happy my parents .. although only slightly by seeing them smile "it was invaluable for me would be gratefully provided by the her through my mother's smile. She was always aware of us, but sometimes and even often we forget about his affection for this. Tips and lessons that I have received to be delivered and given to every member of Her creation are:
I hear their complaint was silent and smiled. Then I came back saying "Did you ever see your mother's face when she fell asleep, did you feel how it feels to carry loads up to 9 months with the sacrifice between life and death, have you ever felt any errors of any kind, will always be forgiven and our mother just smiled. .. " That is some thing that may be something that for us that we consider small, but what it's like if we are positioned to be like that .. One central question which I gave to them".
What have you give to a mother with affection so nearly perfect until we become people who really stood firm and ottoman from crawling to walking?" They shut down for a moment, without a word out of their mouths would be something that leads to a complaint .. In my heart I said, it's easy - I hope I can be happy my parents .. although only slightly by seeing them smile "it was invaluable for me would be gratefully provided by the her through my mother's smile. She was always aware of us, but sometimes and even often we forget about his affection for this. Tips and lessons that I have received to be delivered and given to every member of Her creation are:
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My belove Family |
I want to find the right person who without the cover with lies, and he soon will I make sandingan eternal life later. Because for me the weather is very high and he can educate a seed leads to the world and the hereafter with a handful of hope His heaven. "My mother always made me smile, there is or is not every day before and after the activity I've always looked at a framed picture on the wall and deep inside of my heart while saying "mom, thank you for what you gave to me". Selecting one among the weaker sex is natural, and rather than not at all. But do not ever think to hurt him and because someday I will accompany a person and he will be in call the mother of a child. Hope it always pray for my mom in the presence of someone who will make my mother smile bsa essential to happiness ... amien ...
================INDONESIAN LANGUAGE==============
Hari dimana mentari pagi berseri membangunkanku. Mata lelah, ragaku lemah sembari meregangkan sendi di badanku. Aku berjalan mendekati refrigerator, dan kubuka dan terus mencari bahan untuk kumakan.. Tak lama telp berdering, setelah diterma aku berbicara dengan orang yang bisa menjadikanku sebagai sahabat, teman sesungguhnya, dan sebagai seorang ibu yang akan selalu ku sayangi dan ku cintai. Kadang jikalau ibu kita ada di dekat kita, ada beberapa sahabat yang mengeluh kepadaku "mengapa sih, ibu kita selalu marah, turut campur urusanku". Aku mendengar keluhan mereka hanya terdiam dan tersenyum. Lalu aku kembali berkata " Apakah kamu sudah pernah melihat wajah ibumu ketika dia tertidur lelap, sudahkah kamu merasakan bagaimana rasanya membawa beban hingga 9 bulan dengan pengorbanan hidup dan mati, pernahkah kamu merasakan setiap kesalahan sebesar apapun, akan selalu dimaafkan dan ibu kita hanya tersenyum..." Itu adalah beberapa hal yang mungkin sesuatu hal bagi kita yang kita anggap kecil, namun apa rasanya jika kita diposisikan menjadi seperti itu.. Satu pertanyaan inti yang aku berikan kepada mereka "Apa yang sudah kalian berikan kepada ibu dengan kasih sayang yang begitu nyaris sempurna hingga kita menjadi orang yang benar-benar berdiri kukuh tanpa sandaran dan dari merangkak menjadi berjalan?" Mereka diam tertunduk sejenak, tanpa sepatah katapun keluar dari mulut mereka akan sesuatu yang mengarah akan suatu keluhan.. Dalam hati aku berkata, mudah - mudahan aku bisa membahagiakan orang tuaku.. meskipun hanya sedikit saja dengan melihat mereka tersenyum "rasanya tidak ternilai untukku akan rasa syukur yang diberikan oleh-NYA melalui senyum ibuku. Dia selalu mengerti tentang kita, tapi terkadang dan bahkan sering kita lupa akan kasih sayangnya selama ini. Petuah dan pelajaran yang aku terima untuk disampaikan dan diberikan kepada setiap insan ciptaan-NYA adalah:
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Lovely Famz |
Aku ingin mencari seseorang yang tepat yang tanpa di selimuti dengan kebohongan, dan dia kelak akan kujadikan sandingan abadi kehidupanku kelak. Karena buatku kaum hawa sangat tinggi dan dia bisa mendidik seorang keturunannya mengarah ke dunia dan akhirat dengan segenggam harapan syurga-NYA". Ibu selalu membuatku tersenyum, ada atau tidak setiap hari sebelum dan sesudah beraktifitas aku selalu pandangi gambarnya yang terpajang didinding dan dilubuk hatiku sambil berkata "ibu, terima kasih atas apa yang engkau berikan kepadaku". Memilih seseorang diantara kaum hawa itu wajar, dan dari pada tidak sama sekali. Namun jangan pernah dan berfikir untuk menyakitinya karena suatu saat nanti kelak aku akan mendampingi seseorang yang dan dia akan di sebut ibu oleh seorang anak. Harapan itu selalu kupanjatkan kepada-NYA dengan kehadiran seseorang yang nantinya bsa membuat ibuku tersenyum untuk kebahagiaan yang hakiki...amien...
Created By: Sony Kazekage Peanutgarden
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Created By: Sony Kazekage Peanutgarden
Saturday, January 15, 2011
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