=================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
===============INDONESIAN LANGUAGE===============
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The Brotherland Crew |
Today I met with my friend. He told me "my friend, I will leave you moved in a moment distant place with someone who has chosen a life companion." My best friend is his quiet, but if there are others who are not rational thinking she would answer in a clear and open.
At first glance I finally asked, "penpal, did you feel that sometimes there are times when not lonely, not alone when we crowded around, nor feel no desire ..". Sometimes I ask myself, why me? why me? .. Originally friend just smile, then she answered. You actually feel there is something about "more stronger the longer invite dialogue to GOD." You must have felt when meeting with people that might make you smile, there would be a very different taste. I paused, and asked "whether it' is meant to complement created to be human being ? "He came back smiling, then answered "vote is good, than not vote at all." Even as he approached with 1000 people but has not been cast certainty the answers, and if you who want someone there for you then let us see if you really real for him ". I talked back to my friend 'friend, I'm very tired and did not want to if it will come together but separately and only for a moment ... "My friends said" it was called a process at once grace and His answer to that couple of our lives, our fortune and blessings are the property and of His ". My friends ask" if you're feeling there is a rebound in your life, my friend ..?". I'm still staring at the ceiling and replied with my little heart "there ..". My friends said, thou my friend .. remember my friend a good boy and you deserve better .. ". I wanted that dream to come true, come into a reality and meet her by asking "Do you have someone waiting at the threshold of life, will you be my companion for now and forever ..?". Is it possible and if I was ready as he thought in the minds of the deepest heart. My friends said, and provide advice and materials to be used as a key ingredient that will have to wrought by it self becomes a form of key. My friends .. he said to me "my friend, if a later meeting and ask the person who would choose you as your life companion later" if he was smiling .. "" be prepared for later life. Before he went to leave my hut, he said "one day will answer your questions will be answered and that is yag called all it was a set by GOD." I smiled as he said thank you my friend, because with a little help I'll go back and chase him away while I prayed His prayers and endeavors .. Thank you my friend, as far as any you are I'll never forget that I have a friend like you ...
At first glance I finally asked, "penpal, did you feel that sometimes there are times when not lonely, not alone when we crowded around, nor feel no desire ..". Sometimes I ask myself, why me? why me? .. Originally friend just smile, then she answered. You actually feel there is something about "more stronger the longer invite dialogue to GOD." You must have felt when meeting with people that might make you smile, there would be a very different taste. I paused, and asked "whether it' is meant to complement created to be human being ? "He came back smiling, then answered "vote is good, than not vote at all." Even as he approached with 1000 people but has not been cast certainty the answers, and if you who want someone there for you then let us see if you really real for him ". I talked back to my friend 'friend, I'm very tired and did not want to if it will come together but separately and only for a moment ... "My friends said" it was called a process at once grace and His answer to that couple of our lives, our fortune and blessings are the property and of His ". My friends ask" if you're feeling there is a rebound in your life, my friend ..?". I'm still staring at the ceiling and replied with my little heart "there ..". My friends said, thou my friend .. remember my friend a good boy and you deserve better .. ". I wanted that dream to come true, come into a reality and meet her by asking "Do you have someone waiting at the threshold of life, will you be my companion for now and forever ..?". Is it possible and if I was ready as he thought in the minds of the deepest heart. My friends said, and provide advice and materials to be used as a key ingredient that will have to wrought by it self becomes a form of key. My friends .. he said to me "my friend, if a later meeting and ask the person who would choose you as your life companion later" if he was smiling .. "" be prepared for later life. Before he went to leave my hut, he said "one day will answer your questions will be answered and that is yag called all it was a set by GOD." I smiled as he said thank you my friend, because with a little help I'll go back and chase him away while I prayed His prayers and endeavors .. Thank you my friend, as far as any you are I'll never forget that I have a friend like you ...
===============INDONESIAN LANGUAGE===============
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Friend in the office |
Hari ini aku bertemu dengan sahabatku. Tak lama, dia mengatakan kepadaku "kawanku, sebentarlagi aku akan meninggalkanmu pindah ketempat yang jauh bersama seseorang yang telah kupilih menjadi pendamping kehidupanku". Sahabatku adalah anaknya pendiam, namun jika ada orang lain yang tidak berfikir rasional dia akan menjawab secara gamblang dan terbuka. Sepintas akhirnya aku bertanya, "sabahat, pernahkah engkau merasa kalau terkadang ada saatnya bukan kesepian, bukan sendiri padahal disekeliling kita ramai, bukan pula merasa tidak ada keinginan..". Kadang aku bertanya dalam hati, kenapa aku? mengapa aku?.. Awalnya sahabat hanya senyum, kemudian dia menjawab. Kamu itu sebenarnya merasa ada sesuatu yg kurang "lebih kuatlah lagi mengajak dialog kepada TUHAN". Kamu pasti merasakan jika bertemu dengan orang yang mungkin bisa membuat kamu tersenyum, pasti akan sangat lain rasanya. Aku terdiam sejenak, dan bertanya "apakah itu maksudnya insan manusia dicipatakan untuk melengkapi?". Dia kembali tersenyum, kemudian menjawab "memilih itu baik, daripada tidak memilih sama sekali". Biar pun dia didekati dengan 1000 orang namun belum melontarkan kepastian jawaban, dan jika kamu yang menginginkan seseorang hadir untukmu maka tunjukkanlah kalau kamu benar-benar nyata untuknya". Aku bercerita kembali kepada sahabatku "sahabat, aku sangat lelah dan tidak ingin jika nantinya bersatu namun terpisah dan hanya sesaat..". Sahabatku berkata"itulah yang dinamakan proses sekaligus anugrah serta jawaban dari-NYA bahwa pasangan kehidupan kita , rezeki kita dan berkah adalah milik dan dari-NYA". Sahabatku bertanya "apakah kamu sudah merasa ada yang menganjal dalam kehidapanmu, hai kawanku..?". Aku diam memandang langit-langit dan menjawab dengan hati kecilku "ada..". Sahabatku berkata, hai kawanku..ingat kawanku engkau anak yang baik dan engkau pantas mendapatkan yang lebih..". Aku ingin sekali mimpi itu agar menjadi kenyataan, datang ke suatu kenyataan dan bertemu dengannya dengan bertanya "Apakah kamu sudah ada yang menanti diujung kehidupanmu, maukah engkau menjadi pendamping hidupku untuk sekarang dan selamanya..?". Apakah itu mungkin dan apakah aku siap sambil berfikir didalam benak hati terdalam. Sahabatku berkata dan memberikan pendapat dan sebuah bahan untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan kunci yang nantinya harus kutempa sendiri menjadi sebuah bentuk kunci. Kawanku.. dia berkata kepadaku "kawanku, jika suatu nanti bertemu dan bertanya langsung kepada seseorang yang nantinya akan memilihmu sebagai pendamping kehidupanmu kelak "jika dia tersenyum.."" bersiaplah untuk kehidupanmu kelak. Sebelum dia beranjak meninggalkan gubukku, dia berkata "suatu saat jawaban akan pertanyaanmu itu akan terjawab dan itulah yag dinamakan semua itu sudah diatur oleh-NYA". Aku tersenyum sembari mengatakan terima kasih sahabatku, karena dengan sedikit bantuanmu aku akan kembali mengejar dia dan diri-NYA sambil kupanjatkan do'a dan berikhtiar.. Terimakasih sahabatku, sejauh apapun engkau berada aku tidak akan pernah melupakan bahwa aku punya sahabat sepertimu...
Created By: Sony Kazekage Peanutgarden
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
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