================ENGLISH LANGUAGE=================
Night came along with the change of time, I sitting alone while moving the fingers to feel some of the things that exist within the joint life.One time, I was thinking in my mind of my friend, he always complained of lack within by himself. He always said "strange, less appropriate, shame, etc.". He always saw the forecast that in him is always less or feel that others are more of them. While spoke with less enthusiasm and pessimistic tone. I smiled and asked him a question that is not complicated and would like mejelsakan of purpose.Me : What are you looking for in this world? Did you find it? How did you get it? "Answered it by your heart",
My friend: I do not know, what thinking do you see in it?
Me : You should reflect on yourself, now that's why you are actually there in front of you. Any deficiency, strangeness, or any excess should be grateful because that's what it was a gift from God. You do not need to imitate others in terms of behavior doings. Someone who likes you or wanted to be friends with you, is because as our character completely. Not that we lack to be done completely, but rather the attitude correction. If you make a mistake should not have fixed them on the cover "smiling". And should you ingratitude towards God for every human being is created with all the advantages and disadvantages that exist. There is no achievement of every human being is perfect. because the will is God's. Because we were created to worship God is nothing else like it's not actually The Lord.
My friend: That's why I'm confused. So, what should I do?
Me : The question is not stupid and absurd "sorry, but that's a fact." That is, do you remember the Lord dikala is hard? "Answer in your hearts". If indeed you are confused about the identity your anyone, do anything that could make life happy not only the world, but also in the next life. Be yourself, and berdialoglah to God. If you're talking to a fellow human being, not everything is the solution because of imperfections of life and nature. But if we correct the error and we know who we are and what for we're created, it will be moving towards a perfect future .. amen..
My friend: Smiling and silent language of 1000 ..
Me : my words should also be screened, not every is taken to be absolute. Like a sour vegetable, the more spice you add in it the more it will favor felt. Do not see the flaws, which exist even show if you indeed deserve to exist and live in this world according to your capacity of not less but do better in the future. Habitual with honesty and even though it hurts, but believe me it is much better than the lies that are always covered with a face even though it smiley.Not at all what do you think should be in accordance with reality. There the term "What you see is not necessarily how do you feel, and vice versa how you feel not necessarily what do you see". But with such a situation, you will get to know the size and maturity as to what patterns of change that some people find odd is our true maturity and should be able to deal with. Because every human being is not infallible, and by learning from human error will be better than the previous day. Stop complaining about your problem. What you face today will make you a better person later on. I walked home with a smile..
Malam pun tiba seiring dengan pergantian waktu, aku duduk sendiri sembari menggerakkan jemariku untuk merasakan beberapa hal yang ada didalam sendi kehidupan. Suatu ketika, ada seorang temanku, dia selalu mengeluh akan kekurangan didalam dirinya. Dia selalu mengatakan "aneh, kurang sesuai, malu, dsb". Dia selalu melihat sisi perkiraan yang ada pada dirinya selalu kurang atau merasa bahwa orang lain adalah lebih darinya. Smabil berbicara dengan nada kurang semangat dan pesimis. Aku tersenyum dan bertanya kepadanya dengan pertanyaan yang tidak rumit dan ingin mejelsakan akan tujuan hidup.
Aku : Seharusnya kamu bercermin diri, saat ini yang ada dihadapanmu itulah kamu sebenarnya. Segala kekurangan, keanehan, atau pun kelebihan harusnya itulah yang di syukuri karena hal itu anugerah dari Tuhan. Kamu tidak perlu menjadi orang lain dalam hal meniru polah tingkah. Seseorang yang menyukaimu atau ingin bersahabat denganmu, memang karena karena karakter kita seutuhnya. Bukan berarti kekurangan kita harus dilakukan sepenuhnya, tapi lebih kepada koreksi sikap. Jika kamu melakukan kesalahan sepatutnya kesalahan tersebut diperbaiki bukan di tutupi "sambil tersenyum". Dan harusnya kamu mensyukuri nikmat Tuhan karena setiap insan diciptakan adalah dengan segala kekurangan dan kelebihan yang ada. Tidak ada pencapaian setiap insan yang sempurna. karena kehendak adalah milik Tuhan. Karena kita diciptakan untuk beribadah kepada Tuhan tidak lain dan tidak bukan arahnya sebenarnya seperti itu.
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Me while setting networking |
My friend: I do not know, what thinking do you see in it?
Me : You should reflect on yourself, now that's why you are actually there in front of you. Any deficiency, strangeness, or any excess should be grateful because that's what it was a gift from God. You do not need to imitate others in terms of behavior doings. Someone who likes you or wanted to be friends with you, is because as our character completely. Not that we lack to be done completely, but rather the attitude correction. If you make a mistake should not have fixed them on the cover "smiling". And should you ingratitude towards God for every human being is created with all the advantages and disadvantages that exist. There is no achievement of every human being is perfect. because the will is God's. Because we were created to worship God is nothing else like it's not actually The Lord.
My friend: That's why I'm confused. So, what should I do?
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Me at Home Jakarta |
Me : The question is not stupid and absurd "sorry, but that's a fact." That is, do you remember the Lord dikala is hard? "Answer in your hearts". If indeed you are confused about the identity your anyone, do anything that could make life happy not only the world, but also in the next life. Be yourself, and berdialoglah to God. If you're talking to a fellow human being, not everything is the solution because of imperfections of life and nature. But if we correct the error and we know who we are and what for we're created, it will be moving towards a perfect future .. amen..
My friend: Smiling and silent language of 1000 ..
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Me n my partner division |
===============INDONESIAN LANGUAGE===============
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Female Cousin, Lil female cousin n Me |
Aku : Apa yang kamu cari didunia ini? Apakah kamu sudah menemukannya? Bagaimana kamu mendapatkannya? "jawab didalam hatimu saja",
Temanku: Aku tidak tahu, menurutmu kira-kira apa yang kamu lihat?
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Me at the office room |
Temanku: Justru karena itu aku bingung. aku harus bagimana?
Aku : Pertanyaan bodoh dan sangat tidak masuk diakal "maaf, tapi itulah faktanya". Maksudnya, apakah kamu ingat kepada Tuhan dikala sedang susah? "Jawab didalam hatimu". Jika memang kamu bingung akan jatidirimu siapa, lakukanlah hal apa yang bisa membuat hidupmu bahagia tidak hanya didunia saja, namun juga di kehidupan berikutnya. Jadilah dirimu sendiri, dan berdialoglah kepada Tuhan. Jika kamu berdialog dengan sesama insan, tidak semuanya adalah solusi kehidupan karena ketidak sempurnaan dan kodratnya. Namun jika kita perbaiki kesalahan dan kita tahu siapa kita dan untuk apa kita di ciptakan maka akan menuju kearah yang sempurna kelak..amien
Temanku: Tersenyum dan terdiam 1000 bahasa..
Aku : Perkataanku juga harus disaring, tidak setiap yang diambil haruslah mutlak. Layaknya sebuah sayur asem, semakin banyak bumbu yang kau tambahkan didalamnya maka akan semakin nikmat dirasakan. Jangan melihat sisi kekurangan, yang ada justru perlihatkan jika kamu memang patut untuk ada dan hidup didunia ini sesuai dengan kapasitasmu tidak kurang namun berusaha lebih baik kedepannya. Dan terbiasalah dengan kejujuran meskipun itu menyakitkan, tapi percayalah hal itu jauh lebih baik dari pada kebohongan yang selalu ditutupi meskipun itu dengan wajah tersenyum.Tidak semua apa yang kamu pikirkan harus sesuai dengan kenyataan. Ada istilah "Apa yang kamu lihat belum tentu kamu rasakan, begitu pula sebaliknya apa yang kamu rasakan belum tentu kamu lihat". Tapi dengan situasi seperti itu, kamu akan semakin tahu ukuran kedewasaan seperti apa dan pola perubahan yang dianggap orang aneh adalah pendewasaan kita yang sebenarnya dan harus mampu dihadapi. Karena setiap manusia tidak luput dari kesalahan, dan dengan belajar dari kesalahan manusia akan menjadi lebih baik dari hari sebelumnya. Berhenti mengeluhkan masalahmu. Apa yang kamu hadapi hari ini akan membuatmu menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik di kemudian hari. Aku berjalan menuju rumah dengan tersenyum..
Monday, March 28, 2011 at 3:20 a.m
Created By:Sony Kazekage Peanutgarden
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