=================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
At the time I was little, I was reminded of a fairy tale story from someone, but I do not remember his name because it had been long time almost 20 year ago. I only know the name of him as Pa 'Iin. He accompanied me, when I was child and crying, I knew if Pa'Iin a good father and he have a happy little family. He told me, somewhere there is old man of advanced age. Whether he was lucky or not, in the quest to get a shape as we know named "pearl".
He found a pearl of the beautiful charming. But once her happiness soon turned into disappointment as he knows there is a small black stain spot on the pearl. In his mind he kept mumbling saying why .. why .. and why. If there is no point black stain, the pearl would be the fairest and become part of a perfect world! The more he thought about getting upset. Finally, he decided to remove stains with skinning surface layer of pearls he had found. Were brought home and she prepares all the ingredients that are missing the point stains from pearl.
Then the old man skinning outer layers of pearls, but there is still a black stain point, he was a second layer of skin immediately with full confidence it would stain the point will be lost "his mind muttered." But in reality the stain remains. Then with no patience, he layer one by one, until the last. True also stain was gone but pearl is also missing. The old man regretted, but he just kept silent with a large lump of pearls in front of him but now no trace.

Like a beautiful friendship for decades - decades turned into hostility great just because a word curt unintentional, or errors are not too large. God is able to forgive his slave, but why can not we? Do we have become a selfish creature with the greatness that is not eternal and not nothing before God? A paltry overlooked, is essential goodness in underestimated.1000 not visible, a speck of shortcomings in mind for life.
Beautiful & pearl negligible amount, a small speck of stain continues to question .. That's the story that I remember during when i was childhood from someone named Pa'Iin advance. Thanks for the story of my childhood are fullfilled. Thank you Dear GOD.
===============INDONESIAN LANGUAGE===============

Kemudian orang tua tersebut menguliti lapisan luar mutiara, namun masih ada titik noda hitam, dia pun segera menguliti lapisan kedua dengan penuh keyakinan titik noda itu pasti akan hilang "batinnya bergumam". Namun kenyataannya noda tersebut tetap ada. Lalu dengan tidak sabarannya, dia mengulitin selapis demi selapis, sampai terakhir. Benar juga noda tersebut telah hilang tetapi muntiara tersebut juga ikut hilang. Orang tua itu menyesal, namun dia hanya bisa terdiam dengan sebongkah mutiara yang besar namun di hadapannya kini tidak berbekas.

Ibarat sebuah persahabatan yang indah berpuluh - puluh tahun berubah menjadi permusuhan hebat hanya karena sepatah kata ketus yang tidak disengaja, atau kesalahan yang tidak terlalu besar. Sang Maha Pencipta mampu mengampuni hambanya, tapi kita kenapa tidak bisa? Apakah kita telah menjadi makhluk yang egois dengan kehebatan yang tidak abadi ini dan tidak ada apa-apanya dihadapan Sang Maha Pencipta? Yang remeh dipentingkan, yang penting diremehkan.1000 kebaikan tidak dilihat, setitik kekurangan diingat seumur hidup.
Indah & besarnya muntiara diabaikan, setitik noda kecil terus dipermasalahkan.. Itulah kisah yang aku ingat semasa kecilku dahulu dari seseorang bernama Pa'Iin. Terima kasih atas cerita masa kecilku yang penuh dengan keceriaan. Terima kasih Dear GOD.
Saturday, July 16, 2011 at 13:45 P.M
Created By:Sony Kazekage Peanutgarden
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