Saturday 30 July 2011

The Story of a Human Life Part 31

=================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
I'm ready to do that, whether it is judged I don’t know the impact is big or small, as long as I experienced and other people do not experience what I’m done. This story based on the true story of a young man who wander blindly in the turmoil of his mind, when he met with someone as a penpal. From the words and until now I always grateful to his friend, although now he either did not know where. The friend said to me:

Me: "hi, how are you sony?, “with communication by Chat & browse.
My friend: He laught "hahaha .. stale you, very stupid. Today only still chat & browsing.
Me: "Is it Wrong with me? Am I stupid? 'While thinking and was pensive for a moment'.
My friend: “Just like me, you see “high tech”, wealthy doesn’t want low tech like you.
Me: "want to continue if I wanna be high tech like you, what should to do?"
My friend: "Certainly you have to have account ID, like fb, fs, etc, contemporary era of mobile.
Me: "I see .. so it should be like that ahaa... How and where I could find that way to be mobile person?"
My friend: "Find your way, doesn’t want to know LOL.

From the conversation above, eventually So nice to wander a week does not go home only with a bag; clothes and underwear, trying to find and interpret criticism of his friend the samwan. He continued to browse endlessly to find answers to what he experienced, until finally finding a place to learn a short / autodidact. Day and night his mother always asked him.

Mother: "Where were you go, sony?".
Me: "just for while, only 1 weeks mom.."
Mother: "Surelya mother, must have been worried about his son "already 1 week does not going home”
Me: With a little upset he said "yes .. yes .. mom,I’ll be back to home this afternoon. Just Relax ok .."
Mother: Well, as long as you are keep healthy nothing happen".
Me: ok then.., fine bu . byee…

Finally I returned back to home and told my mother about the activities during the first week I’m didn’t return to home. 
Until at last he ventured, disassemble My PC / Computer began unloading in front of the hardware "with the term" hardware, software and try to analyze "the term software".

Although the computer equipment scattered about, but my mother never complained and always even support it. As I’m turned and said to myself "if one day I became a man, I'll never forget for all the services which thou hast given me, mom". Until finally my mother close to me, and said:

Mother: "Le ‘Javanese nick name call to his son’, the mother did not have enough money to buy a computer.
Me : "Yes mom, I understand that. Mother pray, I hope I can understand what is in the contents of the virtual world of technology without having money to buy the goods'.
Mother: "Is it wheather can be used? But the Internet does not exist, le".
Me: "If I can, already from the first I’ll do that mom, I would not be clueless.

Finally after a while, I kept focusing in the field is consistent with no formal lectures. And until recently, he tried to share knowledge, although what little he could have. Because the real owner is the highest knowledge of the Creator.and as the deepest gratitude that I have a vision of "I'm ready to do and helping others, even if only that which he possesses." And I have a mission, "do not say clueless, but try to be mobile". To continue to share his knowledge I continue to try until now to make the group even though it's in the world of Facebook with the following url, and please dicross check.
lesson the story above:
1. Never stop to keep looking for the potential within each of us.
Angry parents, are really affectionate. It would be very sorry when they are gone. Their love sebagimana they fought for a small raise from 9 months to adulthood.
3. Sharing about science, even though it's just a little you have.

Hopefully the group are useful, and if there are words and sayings that are less willing to say I apologize profusely.

================INDONESIA LANGUAGE===============

Aku siap melakukan, entah meskpun hal tersebut dinilai besar atau kecil dampaknya, asalkan orang lain tidak mengalami apa yang kualami. Kisah ini berdasarkan kisah nyata seorang anak manusia yang terombang ambing didalam kegalauan pikirannya, ketika dia bertemu dengan seseorang temannya. Dari perkataannya itu dan pada akhirnya aku berterima kasih dengan temannya, walaupun entah kini dia tak tahu dimana. Teman tersebut berkata kepadaku:

Aku : "hai, apa kabar sobat?, ga chat & browsing nih.
Sahabatku: "hahaha.. basi lu, bodoh lu. Hari gini chat & browsing.
Aku : "Salah ya gw? memang bodoh kenapa? 'sambil berfikir dan sempat termenung sesaat'.
Sahabatku: 'Kaya gw dong high tech, ga gaptek kaya lu'.
Aku : "terus kl mau jd high tech itu harus bagaimana?"
Sahabatku: "ya kamu harus gaul, mesti bagaimana gitu. Seperti update status fs 'masih jaman-jamannya mobile fs'.
Aku : "ooo..jadi harus bgt ya. Bagaimana dan dimana gw bisa dibilang jadi gaul & mobile?”
Sahabatku: "Ada deh, mau tau aja 'sembari cengar cengir melihat saya'.

Dari percakapan diatas, akhirnya So nice mengembara 1 minggu tidak pulang hanya bermodalkan tas; baju dan pakaian dalam, mencoba mencari dan memaknai kritik dari temannya si samwan. dia terus browsing tiada henti demi mencari jawaban atas apa yg dia alami, sampai akhirnya menemukan tempat belajar singkat / autodidak. Siang malam ibunya selalu bertanya kepadanya. 

Ibu : "Ada dimana km nak?".
Aku : "bentar lagi, bu.baru juga 1 minggu"
Ibu : "Ya namanya seorang ibu, pastilah mengkhawatirkan anaknya"
Aku : Sambil sedikit kesal dia berkata "iya..iya..bu, nanti sore saya pulang ko. Santai aj.."
Ibu : Ya sudah, asalkan kamu pulang sehat ga ada apa".
Aku : Siipp, beres bu..
Akhirnya aku kembali kerumah, dan bercerita kepada ibuku tentang kegiatan selama 1 minggu dia tidak kembali pulang. Sampai pada akhirnya dia memberanikan diri, membongkar PC / Komputer didepannya dari mulai bongkar perangkat keras "dengan istilah hardware", dan mencoba menganalisa perangkat lunak "dengan istilah software".

Walaupun berserakan peralatan komputer, tapi ibuku tidak pernah mengeluh dan bahkan selalu mendukungnya. Sambil menoleh dan berkata dalam hati "jika suatu saat nanti aku menjadi orang, aku tidak akan pernah lupa atas semua jasa yang telah engkau berikan kepadaku ibu". Sampai pada akhirnya ibunya mendekatku, dan berkata:

Ibu : "Le ' istilah jawanya anakku', ibu tidak punya cukup uang untuk beli komputer.
So nice ; "Iya bu, aku mengerti itu. Ibu berdoa saja, semoga aku bisa mengerti apa yang ada didalam isi teknologi dunia maya tanpa harus beli barangnya'.
Ibu : "Memang bisa kamu? Kan Internetnya tidak ada".
So nice ; "Kalau bisa, sudah dari dulu bu, saya tidak bakal gaptek.

Akhirnya setelah beberapa lama, aku terus konsisten memfokuskan dirinya dibidang tersebut tanpa kuliah formal. Dan sampai saat ini, dia mencoba berbagi ilmu walaupun hanya sedikit apa yg bisa dia miliki. Karena sesungguhnya Pemilik tertinggi ilmu hanyalah Sang Pencipta. Dan sebagai rasa syukur yang paling dalam aku memiliki visi "aku siap melakukan dan membantu orang lain, walaupun hanya itu yang dia miliki". Dan aku memiliki misi "janganlah berkata gaptek, tapi berusahalah menjadi mobile". Untuk tetap membagikan ilmunya aku terus berusaha hingga saat ini membuat group walaupun itu di dunia facebook dengan url sebagai berikut, dan silahkan dicross check.

1. Jangan pernah berhenti untuk terus mencari potensi dalam diri kita masing-masing.
2. Marahnya orang tua, sesungguhnya adalah kasih sayang. Akan sangat menyesal apabila keduanya sudah tidak ada. Cinta mereka sebagimana mereka berjuang demi membesarkan dari kecil 9 bulan hingga dewasa.
3.Berbagilah ilmu, walupun itu hanya sedikit yang kamu miliki.

Mudah-mudahan group tersebut bermanfaat, dan apabila ada perkataan dan ucapan yang kurang berkenan saya mengucapkan mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya.

Minggu, July 31, 2011 at 10:00 A.M
Created By:Sony Kazekage Peanutgarden