================ENGLISH LANGUAGE=================
I'm sure whether it's any of my friend, my partner, my friend, my family, definitely have a problem to lose weight? turns out you're not alone. Many people who have difficulty in losing weight, but to torture yourself to be hungry is not the answer.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
The Story of a Human Life Part 17
Posted on 6/28/2011 07:21:00 pmby Unknown with No comments
================ENGLISH LANGUAGE=================
One time I was playing cool with his world, then someone came and wanted to tell me. I asked deep inside in heart "why?, And what is it?". Then I invited into my hut is simple, to take off fatigue while sitting. Communication occurred and ask about each one.
Sunday, 26 June 2011
10 types of the Women's Favorite Men
Posted on 6/26/2011 04:05:00 amby Unknown with No comments
=================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
1. Understanding Guy

Friday, 24 June 2011
The Story of a Human Life Part 16
Posted on 6/24/2011 09:09:00 pmby Unknown with No comments
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
The Story of a Human Life Part 15
Posted on 6/22/2011 01:51:00 pmby Unknown with No comments
================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
Today many persons are asking me what is valentine day. I feel there is no essence to celebrate it. Because love actually kind of the journey of life with various plot and story "sad, happy, smiley, joyful, laughing, etc". That's actually sense of affection bestowed to us from the Lord. Do you think that love is only on certain days only, really stupid idea. if I ask, what have you done for your mother? Affection that has been given for 9 months in the belly of the womb and raised us up to now, this what you've given to her. Whether or not someone your heart, it becomes something privacy, you are responsible enough to be alone. But if you think that particular day regarded as sacred, then in fact you've associating partners with the lord consciously or not.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
The Story of a Human Life Part 14
Posted on 6/18/2011 09:47:00 pmby Unknown with No comments
===============ENGLISH LANGUAGE===============
One time, in my mine, there a friend who suddenly complained of pain. I just said to myself there are only 2 things "difficult to eat and may be due to disease or congenital". When sharing with me that he was sick because informed by friends that "big, fat, etc". I paused and smiled. Then I told him because the things I'll tell you this is a reflection of myself and I'm grateful for the gift of His.
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You Want It..? |
Why I bespectacled? That's because the All-Knowing reminded me to always be grateful, because many of our brothers and sisters who are not biased to see in darkness.
Why am I great? That's because the All-Knowing reminded me to always be grateful, because many of our brothers and sisters are starving.
Why am I great? That's because the All-Knowing reminded me to always be grateful, because many of our brothers and sisters are starving.
Secrets of The Hawa
Posted on 6/18/2011 08:48:00 pmby Unknown with No comments
===============ENGLISH LANGUAGE===============
- Girls like guys who like them. This is could be the most important factor for girls. Many girls can fallin in love with a guy, after guy stated to him and like girl and can demonstrate it’s seriousness. The more you like him, the better (unless you've gone too far, until the girl became overburdened)
Friday, 17 June 2011
Secrets of The Adam
Posted on 6/17/2011 02:07:00 pmby Unknown with No comments
===============ENGLISH LANGUAGE===============
If a man sending sms to you more than once each day if only to say good-eating "lunch", how are you "how are you" ..signs he's the same concern you .. for: men rarely do so if only because there is no work
If a man call you for no reason and just says: "just want to hear you are .."same sign he likes you but shy to start from where .. because: The man realized that he was the one who should make first moved but was afraid to look really, if you really like to ..
The Story of a Human Life Part 13
Posted on 6/17/2011 01:19:00 pmby Unknown with No comments
=================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
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At Monas Jakarta |
I'm so tired today, but somehow it seems like different from the previous day. The day started when I bring my sister to work. I gripe about my ego, of desire, and the fact that I experienced. My sister was a very nag, well maybe nag sometimes, but when I enter any given point. She just said, "Do you remember at yet reach km was troubling parents themselves".
The Story of a Human Life Part 12
Posted on 6/17/2011 12:13:00 pmby Unknown with No comments
=================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
For some reason at the time, when increasingly in the afternoon light God's, will turns into night I want to tell at a glance. Sometimes most of people who consider themselves can not do anything, consider himself as a fool. Thanks they are useless and may even have pospoma syndrome or the fear of life in the future. Fear will not make a fool "does not mean I’m not useful".
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When i was child.. |
Monday, 13 June 2011
Feelings and Logic Contrast Between Women and Men
Posted on 6/13/2011 02:34:00 pmby Unknown with 2 comments
=================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
There are fundamental differences between men and women in looking at a matter of love. The difference, of course, give effect to both attitudes and behavior.
Men are believed to rely more on logic when he fell in love than women, usually will express general questions like "He really liked me or not?", "Choose where, once or greeting titip APPROACH" Female "?".

Men are believed to rely more on logic when he fell in love than women, usually will express general questions like "He really liked me or not?", "Choose where, once or greeting titip APPROACH" Female "?".
The Story of a Human Life Part 11
Posted on 6/13/2011 01:37:00 pmby Unknown with No comments
================ENGLISH LANGUAGE==============
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Me n my partner at office |
At night me and my friend talking. He seemed upset and had a day which he does not reassure. I also try to communicate as comfortably listeners will complain that day. He told me without me asking. He seemed annoyed when meeting with a guy who he admired the way with the opposite sex that he himself did not know who. Then I asked:
Saturday, 11 June 2011
The Story of a Human Life Part 10
Posted on 6/11/2011 08:41:00 pmby Unknown with No comments
The Story of a Human Life Part 9
Posted on 6/11/2011 08:15:00 pmby Unknown with 2 comments
================ENGLISH LANGUAGE==============
While at night with the solitude and quiet atmosphere over here, I try to listen to a song. Whether consciously or not sometimes suddenly occurred to the behavior that has been done in the past as a reference point moving toward in the future. Sometimes I’ll spend all day long with the computer by looking for positive activities greetings in my life, but I don’t know somehow with your life.

Thursday, 9 June 2011
Pearl words of Life My Diary
Posted on 6/09/2011 05:08:00 amby Unknown with 2 comments
My Diary Your Story: Pearl words of life My Diary:
==============ENGLISH LANGUAGE==============
I do not want to relax in my life. I would say to my Lord. Better to vote than not, It's time I tried to improve myself. Because life is a choice, and not remorse _My Story Your Diary_
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
The Story of a Human Life Part 8
Posted on 6/08/2011 01:12:00 pmby Unknown with No comments
=================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
Five years ago, the accident has claimed a beloved person, I often wondered how my wife is now in the heavenly realm, are you okay? She must be very sad, because already lost her husband who can not afford the house and having a child who still baby. That's how I feel, because I feel that I have failed, unable to

The Story of a Human Life Part 7
Posted on 6/08/2011 11:53:00 amby Unknown with 2 comments
=================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
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Me,My mom,and my sister |
Day mid-afternoon, the sun getting dimmer as the rotation time. Fatigue over joints feel stiff and tight. I rode my bike ride that will going back activitiy in that day. I always say hello and smile always told my colleagues. They seemed cheerful, happy, and laughing merrily with me. While feeling bored over, I try to entertain them with what ability I have. I'm just an ordinary person who sometimes can make around me annoyed, annoying.
The Story of a Human Life Part 6
Posted on 6/08/2011 04:21:00 amby Unknown with No comments
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Differences Among Like, Love, and sweetheart
Posted on 6/07/2011 07:28:00 pmby Unknown with No comments
Monday, 6 June 2011
Poetry of My Diary
Posted on 6/06/2011 09:33:00 pmby Unknown with No comments
=================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
Fatigue, sadness you never showing to me, even once time..
Your face seems like my life to uplifting light
Mother, you are the lamp of my heart
Mother, you are a blessing for my life journey
Mother, you always share and smile for me
when I'm sad, you comfort me
When I'm alone, you are always there for me
While you are away, I really miss you
Your face is aging, but semangatmu like the sun shining on the earth
I was very stained, forgive my little heart
Conduct your son really impose yourself
This poem I made with all my heart, when you are sound asleep
The eyes are closed, with many of the stories you share me
"Mom, this poem I made for you .. even if you do not know it in my diary, I just want you to know if I really love and always want to keep your smile. " I love my mum, I love my mom,and I will keep my mum until the end of my life ... amen
===============INDONESIAN LANGUAGE===============
Disaat engkau terlelap kupandangi wajahmu
Keletihan, kesedihan tidak pernah kau tampakkan kepadaku
Wajahmu seolah bagai cahya yang menyemangati hidupku
Ibu, engkau adalah restu bagi perjalanan hidupku
Ibu, engkau selalu berbagi dan tersenyum untukku
Dikala aku sedih, engkau menghiburku
Disaat ku sendiri, dirimu selalu ada untukku
Disaat dirimu jauh, aku rindu kepadamu
Wajahmu yang menua, namun semangatmu laksana mentari menyinari bumi
Aku sangat bernoda, maafkan hati kecilku ini
Perilaku anakmu ini sangat membebankan dirimu kini
Syair ini kubuat dengan segenap hati, dikala engkau tertidur lelap
Mata yang terpejam, dengan banyak kisah engkau berbagi kepadaku
"Ma, puisi ini aku buat untukmu.. meskipun engkau tidak mengetahuinya di dalam diaryku, aku hanya ingin engkau tahu jika aku sangat sayang dan ingin selalu menjaga senyummu". Aku sayang mama, aku cinta mama, dan aku akan menjaga mama hingga akhir hayatku...amien
Created By: Sony Kazekage Peanutgarden
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
=============ENGLISH LANGUAGE=============
When I was among in the beautiful night light.
The night sky are so beautiful.
This night was so perfect,
but tonight feels empty,
Without the presence of myself ..
If we in love, we should always pray for her even though she was not in our side.
At first glance, I wrote her name in the vast space
I take able to grab her.
Want to write her name in it the ocean,
thundering waves hit her
I wrote your name in my heart,
love her name
I really love you ..
but I love myself more
because I was afraid of affection that go too far from our GOD
It can make me hurt ..
could undermine the power that I hold back.
and I'm very sad and scared if you're suddenly disappear.
Stick to something that is implied and express it
hold tightly in the folds of my heart
Divine blessings sure if there is so belongs to me ..
You who all I love, I will pray the best for your ..
let the memory and a sense that asked
can make our hearts so close always
because power is more to know everything ..
I always miss you
I like you ..
I really love you ..
Aku sendiri berada diantara cahaya indahnya malam.
Malamku sangatlah indah
Malam ini terasa begitu sempurna,
tapi malam ini terasa kosong,
tanpa kehadiran dirimu..
Jika kita mencintai seseorang,
kita akan senantiasa mendoakannya.
walaupun dia tidak berada disisi kita..
Sekilas kutuliskan sebuah nama di luasnya angkasa..
Aku tak mampu menjamahnya..
Ingin kutuliskan sebuah nama di dalamnya lautan,
gemuruh ombak menerjangnya..
Kutuliskan namamu di hatiku, cinta namanya..
Aku memang sayang kamu..
namun aku lebih menyayangi diriku sendiri
karena aku takut rasa sayang yang melampau pada TUHAN
bisa buat aku melukai diriku..
bisa meruntuhkan kekuatan yang kembali ku pertahankan.
dan aku sangat sedih dan takut andai tiba-tiba kamu hilang.
Tetaplah menjadi sesuatu yang tersirat dan tersurat akan hal itu
ku genggam erat dalam lipatan hati
andai ada restu Ilahi pastikan jadi milik ku..
Kamu yang aku sayang, ku akan doakan yang terbaik buat mu..
biar rasa rindu dan rasa itu bertanya
bisa buat hati kita jadi dekat selalu
karena Kuasa itu lebih mengetahui segalanya..
Aku yang selalu merindukanmu
Aku sayang kamu..
Aku memang sayang kamu..
Sunday, May 22, 2011
I wish you would understand that word choice.
There diction sweetest, framed assure settled in my heart the most beautiful space.
Diction life of hope, faith, love for you my whole world,..
Still felt the sweetness, bitterness will sense that you feel,
concentrated feels very concentrated every sense of that feel.
Sometimes the choice diction make drunk aimlessly.
becomes even more dark nights,
and the day felt more burning soul.
Diction in color, is the choice because of The Lord grateful
I want her broad smile and feel his diction life
I'm reluctant to move, not wanting to leave a trail.
I let it settle in the whole space,
though only a shadow.
Although about a memory, ... the diction which fulfill my soul at a time.
Simply, ... you.
================INDONESIA LANGUAGE===============
Aku ingin engkau mengerti akan pilihan kata itu.
Ada diksi termanis, kubingkai kupastikan menetap di ruang hati ku yang terindah.
Diksi kehidupan tentang harapan, kepercayaan, cinta sepenuh bumi ku untukmu, ….
Masih terasa manisnya, pahitnya akan indera yang kau rasakan,
pekat terasa sangat menyecap setiap indera perasaku.
Terkadang diksi pilihanmu membuat mabuk tak tentu arah.
malam menjadi terasa lebih gelap,
dan siang terasa lebih membakar jiwa.
Diksi akan warna, adalah pilihanmu karena anugrah dari-NYA
Aku ingin dia tersenyum dan merasakan luasnya diksi kehidupan
Aku enggan beranjak, tak ingin meninggalkan jejak.
Kubiarkan menetap di sepenuh ruang,
meski hanya tinggal bayang.
Meski tentang sebuah ingatan,... pada diksi yang menggenapkan jiwaku pada suatu waktu.
Cukup, ... kamu.Created By: Sony Kazekage Peanutgarden
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