================ENGLISH LANGUAGE=================
My colleagues: What is the purpose of all speech, I do not understand!
Sonice: Pain hearts it is the answer from God. What happens if you are united into a serious relationship, but a moment later split up. It would be more painful and more sacrifices from you and the people who will ye forget. Actually if we think positively, the hurt is that we better remember the answer to God "Lord make as a dialogue, do not make God as a monologue." I am not the hypocrites that patronizing, but I would like to share things that may not have thought of us so far. Sometimes, we think a person becomes a real object. It is true he is become real and certainly not entirely perfect. Do not find fault with a feeling of personal selfishness among us always in the right position that will bear later if disastrous on move. The next answer is self Interospection. Because with interospection, we will understand who we really are. Unfortunately, hateful, selfish, angry, happy, laughing, and etc is the grace of God that is not fitting for us to be resistant or even forget the grace of God. Someday myself or anyone will get the experience, and believe that alone is bad thing because our lives will be monotonous. But with both conditions would be more colorful, with acceptance advantages and disadvantages of each, because man is spared none of perfection and it has an error. And those mistakes will make us mature in attitude and know the direction the next step in life purpose.
My partner: So if later I had to forget about it or what?
Sonice: Ask yourself and your heart into, it seems painful if we elect someone who actually trending upside to the fact what we find. But trust is not always the most painful is to adversity, because only the Almighty knows the life of Everything, appeal for the answer only to God and whatever the conditions, make it as self-learning and maturing process that you received the circle of life. Just remember a chocolate that is eaten, if we know that chocolate is actually the bitter fruit, before being processed into a sweet chocolate that we can enjoy. Believe it or not you will not forget it. Although beyond the talk "can", but in reality it certainly "can not". Currently undertaken cause it as a valuable teacher for yourself and life will be your destiny.
Sonice: I asked my friend "Although we sometimes contradictory behavior, whether our parents hated and then forget us!". Surely not, because they can receive all of any nature, and they know that we are a deposit of His grace which only temporarily with all existing conditions. And certainly if we make a mistake they just smile, and if we can not tolerate mistakes they complained to God and it's definitely even though sometimes we do not see it. Just as things about forgetting or do not live how we react to it.
My colleagues: With a smile and patted me on the shoulder while walking for leisure activities after the break.
Sonice : Buatku bukan bagaimana cara melupakan seseorang atau menghilangkan seseorang dari memori kita. Aku tersenyum dalam hati, dan berkata "apa yang kamu harapkan jika memang dia benar-benar tidak ada?". Apakah kamu benar-benar bahagia? Apakah kamu sudah siap untuk melupakannya? "Jawablah kepada dirimu sendiri".
Today when I was working activity. Suddenly when I walked unsteadily walked to the elevator down to the ground floor, there is my partner who came over and asked some of the things he wanted to ask and share with me.
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Me at home..^_^ |
My partner: Hi my friend, is there a way to forget someone, because of a broken heart?
Sonice: For me is not how to get over someone or remove someone from our memory. I smiled inwardly, and said "what do you expect if indeed he really does not exist?". Are you really happy? Are you ready to forget about it? "Say to yourself".
Sonice: For me is not how to get over someone or remove someone from our memory. I smiled inwardly, and said "what do you expect if indeed he really does not exist?". Are you really happy? Are you ready to forget about it? "Say to yourself".
My colleagues: What is the purpose of all speech, I do not understand!
Sonice: Pain hearts it is the answer from God. What happens if you are united into a serious relationship, but a moment later split up. It would be more painful and more sacrifices from you and the people who will ye forget. Actually if we think positively, the hurt is that we better remember the answer to God "Lord make as a dialogue, do not make God as a monologue." I am not the hypocrites that patronizing, but I would like to share things that may not have thought of us so far. Sometimes, we think a person becomes a real object. It is true he is become real and certainly not entirely perfect. Do not find fault with a feeling of personal selfishness among us always in the right position that will bear later if disastrous on move. The next answer is self Interospection. Because with interospection, we will understand who we really are. Unfortunately, hateful, selfish, angry, happy, laughing, and etc is the grace of God that is not fitting for us to be resistant or even forget the grace of God. Someday myself or anyone will get the experience, and believe that alone is bad thing because our lives will be monotonous. But with both conditions would be more colorful, with acceptance advantages and disadvantages of each, because man is spared none of perfection and it has an error. And those mistakes will make us mature in attitude and know the direction the next step in life purpose.
My partner: So if later I had to forget about it or what?
Sonice: Ask yourself and your heart into, it seems painful if we elect someone who actually trending upside to the fact what we find. But trust is not always the most painful is to adversity, because only the Almighty knows the life of Everything, appeal for the answer only to God and whatever the conditions, make it as self-learning and maturing process that you received the circle of life. Just remember a chocolate that is eaten, if we know that chocolate is actually the bitter fruit, before being processed into a sweet chocolate that we can enjoy. Believe it or not you will not forget it. Although beyond the talk "can", but in reality it certainly "can not". Currently undertaken cause it as a valuable teacher for yourself and life will be your destiny.
Sonice: I asked my friend "Although we sometimes contradictory behavior, whether our parents hated and then forget us!". Surely not, because they can receive all of any nature, and they know that we are a deposit of His grace which only temporarily with all existing conditions. And certainly if we make a mistake they just smile, and if we can not tolerate mistakes they complained to God and it's definitely even though sometimes we do not see it. Just as things about forgetting or do not live how we react to it.
My colleagues: With a smile and patted me on the shoulder while walking for leisure activities after the break.
===============INDONESIAN LANGUAGE===============
Hari ini dimana aku sedang beraktifitas. Tiba-tiba pada saat aku berjalan gontai melangkah menuju lift menuruni menuju lantai dasar, ada rekanku yang menghampiriku dan menanyakan beberapa hal yang dia ingin tanyakan dan share denganku.
Rekanku : Hai sobatku, adakah cara melupakan seseorang, karena sakit hati?
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Me at Krakatau home |
Rekanku : Apa maksud dari semua perkataanmu, aku tidak mengerti?!
Sonice : Sakit hati itu adalah jawaban dari-NYA. Apa jadinya jikalau kalian dipersatukan kedalam hubungan yang serius, namun suatu saat kemudian berpisah. Akan lebih menyakitkan dan lebih banyak pengorbanan dari kamu dan orang yang nantinya akan kamu lupakan. Sebenrnya jika kita berfikir secara positif, sakit hati adalah jawaban agar kita lebih ingat kepada-NYA "jadikanlah DIA sebagai dialog, jangan jdaikan DIA sebagai monolog". Saya bukanlah orang yang munafik yang menggurui, tapi aku ingin berbagi akan hal yang mungkin tidak terpikirkan oleh kita selama ini. Terkadang kita memikirkan seseorang menjadi sebuah objek nyata. Memang benar dia nyata dan yang pasti tidak seutuhnya sempurna. Jangan mencari kesalahan diantara keegoisan personal yang merasa diri kita selalu di posisi benar yang nantinya jika dilanjutan akan berbuah petaka. Jawabanku selanjutnya adalah Interospeksi diri. Karena dengan interospeksi, kita akan memahami siapa kita sebenarnya. Sayang, benci, egois, marah, senang, tertawa, dsb adalah anugrah dari-NYA yang tidak sepatutnya kita bersikap menutup diri atau bahkan melupakan anugrah dari-NYA. Suatu saat nanti aku atau siapapun akan mengalami, dan percayalah bahwa sendiri itu tidak enak karena akan lebih monoton hidup kita. Tapi dengan kondisi berdua akan lebih berwarna, dengan sikap menerima kekurangan dan kelebihan masing-masing, karena tiada manusia yang luput satu pun dari kesempurnaan dan kesalahan. Dan kesalahan itu akan membuat kita menjadi dewasa dalam bersikap dan mengetahui arah langkah tujuan dalam hidup selanjutnya.
Rekanku : Jadi apakah nanti aku memang harus melupakannya atau bagimana?
Sonice : Tanyakan kedalam dirimu dan hatimu, memang rasanya menyakitkan jika seseorang yang kita pilih justru berarah kebalikkannya dengan kenyataan apa yang kita temukan. Tapi percayalah tidak selamanya hal yang menyakitkan adalah keterpurukan, karena hanya Sang Maha Segalanya yang tahu akan kehidupan, memohonlah hanya kepada-NYA utntuk jawabannya dan apapun kondisinya, jadikanlah hal itu sebagai proses pendewasaan diri dan pembelajaran lingkaran kehidupan yang kamu terima. Ingat saja sebuah cokelat yang dimakan, jika kita mengetahui bahwa sebenarnya cokelat itu adalah buah yang pahit, sebelum diproses menjadi sebatang cokelat manis yang kita bisa nikmati. Percaya atau tidak kamu tidak akan bisa melupakannya. Meskipun di luar berbicara "bisa", namun pada kenyataannya pasti "tidak bisa". Yang saat ini dilakukan mejadikan hal tersebut sebagai guru yang berharga untuk dirimu dan kehidupan akan takdirmu.
Sonice : Aku bertanya kepada temanku "Meskipun kelakuan kita terkadang bertolak belakang, apakah orang tua kita lantas membenci dan melupakan kita?!". Pastinya tidak, karena mereka bisa menerima segala apapun bentuknya, dan mereka mengetahui bahwa kita adalah anugrah titipan dari-NYA yang hanya sementara dengan segala kondisi yang ada. Dan pasti jika kita melakukan kesalahan mereka hanya tersenyum, dan jika tidak dapat ditolerir kesalahan kita mereka mengadu kepada-NYA dan itu pasti meskipun terkadang kita tidak melihatnya. Sama halnya hal mengenai melupakan atau tidak tinggal bagaimana kita menyikapinya.
Rekanku : Sambil tersenyum dan menepuk pundakku sembari berjalan untuk mengisi waktu luang istirahat selepas beraktifitas.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Created By:Sony Kazekage Peanutgarden
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