=================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
I was honest even though we're a big, sometimes when we met a mother must have felt like a kid again. I do not know about you guys, just a few things I'd like to convey. Take care and happy our parents, especially mothers. Because the mother is blessing of God, of life everlasting aroma and fragrant smell that will take us to heaven. Every time and every day I pray for the people that I love, especially for my mother. Mom I miss the way you look at your son this. Mom I miss with congregational worship together. I love with my mother. No one can replace my mother. I'm very grateful, and will always pray to God. Because a mother is the gate way of life eternal intermediary between heaven and hell. If God was angry, then there is no single place that is convenient for us to stand in the future.
Whatever it is will always be received with pleasure and gratitude for what the grace and guidance. Later on whether the end of this story I got someone who really loves me, my family, can accept any future faults, and loving God. Then I submit to God. Thank you Lord for this day you make my life more useful and I will never forget and always hope today is better than later tomorrow, amen ..
===============INDONESIAN LANGUAGE===============
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Me,My mom,and my sister |
Day mid-afternoon, the sun getting dimmer as the rotation time. Fatigue over joints feel stiff and tight. I rode my bike ride that will going back activitiy in that day. I always say hello and smile always told my colleagues. They seemed cheerful, happy, and laughing merrily with me. While feeling bored over, I try to entertain them with what ability I have. I'm just an ordinary person who sometimes can make around me annoyed, annoying.
Upon arriving the afternoon I met with my friend. "O friend, how are
.?". I answered "yes alhamdulillah this is the same condition as you see". I want to help my friend, but the difficulty now is not possible for us to do the next activity, because a person important in his life is not healthy. hopefully soon I pray a speedy recovery, amen.. A moment remembered by my mother, and then I decided to going back to my home. Unexpected unexpected, my mother came home that I've been a lot of activity with him. Really I'm very happy immediately kissed his cheeks and forehead and kissed me, miss with its nose. Sometimes, and often every time I go indulge my mother touch my nose and nose, with a laugh. I have not been like a little child. Sometimes amounting to anything if the people closest to us is experiencing something unpleasant sound ears to us, then we will feel uneasy. When we are far from the nearest person, it feels like something is missing "sometimes just say, I do not know what it is."Upon arriving the afternoon I met with my friend. "O friend, how are
I was honest even though we're a big, sometimes when we met a mother must have felt like a kid again. I do not know about you guys, just a few things I'd like to convey. Take care and happy our parents, especially mothers. Because the mother is blessing of God, of life everlasting aroma and fragrant smell that will take us to heaven. Every time and every day I pray for the people that I love, especially for my mother. Mom I miss the way you look at your son this. Mom I miss with congregational worship together. I love with my mother. No one can replace my mother. I'm very grateful, and will always pray to God. Because a mother is the gate way of life eternal intermediary between heaven and hell. If God was angry, then there is no single place that is convenient for us to stand in the future.
Whatever it is will always be received with pleasure and gratitude for what the grace and guidance. Later on whether the end of this story I got someone who really loves me, my family, can accept any future faults, and loving God. Then I submit to God. Thank you Lord for this day you make my life more useful and I will never forget and always hope today is better than later tomorrow, amen ..
===============INDONESIAN LANGUAGE===============
Hari menjelang petang, mentari kian redup seiring perputaran waktu. Rasa lelah menghampiri sendi-sendi yang terasa kaku dan kencang. Aku melaju mengendarai sepeda motorku dan kembali beraktifitas sehari-hari. Aku selalu menyapa dan tersenyum selalu kepada rekan-rekanku. Mereka nampak ceria, gembira, dan tertawa riang bersamaku. Disaat rasa bosan melanda, aku mencoba menghibur mereka dengan kemampuan apa yang aku miliki. Aku hanya manusia biasa yang terkadang bisa membuat disekitarku jengkel, menyebalkan.
Disaat sore hari tiba aku bertemu dengan kawanku. "hai kawan, apa kabar..?". Aku menjawab "iya alhamdulillah beginilah kondisiku sama seperti yang engkau lihat..". Aku ingin membantumu kawan, tetapi hambatan saat ini sangat tidak memungkinkan untuk kita mengerjakan aktifitas selanjutnya, karena seseorang yang penting dalam hidupnya sedang tidak sehat. aku berdo'a semoga lekas cepat sembuh, amien.. Sesaat teringat dengan ibuku, dan kemudian aku putuskan untuk kembali kerumahku. Tidak disangka tidak diduga, ibuku menghampiri kerumah yang selama ini aku banyak beraktifitas dengannya. Sungguh aku sangat bahagia langsung kucium kedua pipinya dan kukecup jidat dan aku kangen sekali dengan hidungnya. Kadang dan sering setiap aku berangkat beraktifitas hidungku dan hidung ibuku bersentuhan, sambil tertawa. sudah lama aku tidak seperti layaknya anak kecil. Terkadang sebesar apapun kita jika orang terdekat yang dimaksud mengalami sesuatu hal yang tidak enak terdengar ditelinga kita, maka kita pun akan terasa tidak tenang. Ketika kita jauh dari orang terdekat, rasanya seperti ada sesuatu yang hilang "terkadang hanya berucap, entahlah apa itu".
Aku merasa jujur walaupun kita sudah besar, terkadang jika kita bertemu dengan seorang ibu pasti merasa seperti anak kecil kembali. Entah bagaimana dengan kalian, hanya beberapa hal yang ingin kusampaikan. Jaga dan bahagiakan orang tua kita khususnya seorang ibu. Karena seorang ibu adalah ujung ridho dari-NYA akan harum kehidupan yang kekal akan surga. Setiap waktu dan setiap hari kupanjatkan do'a untuk orang yang aku sayangi, khususnya ibuku. Ibu aku kangen dengan caramu memandang anakmu ini. Ibu aku kangen dengan ibadah berjamaah bersama-sama. Aku sayang dengan ibu. Tiada seorangpun yang dapat menggantikan dirimu. Aku sangat bersyukur, dan akan selalu kupanjatkan rasa syukur kepada-NYA. Karena seorang ibu adalah perantara gerbang kehidupan yang abadi antara surga dan neraka. Jika DIA murka maka tiada satupun tempat yang nyaman bagi kita untuk berpijak kelak.
Apapun itu akan selalu kuterima dengan rasa senang dan rasa syukur atas apa yang menjadi rahmat dan hidayah. Nantinya apakah dari akhir cerita ini aku mendapat seseorang yang benar-benar mencintaiku, keluargaku, bisa menerima segala kekuranganku kelak, dan mencintai karena-NYA. Kemudian aku berserah diri kepada-NYA. Terima kasih TUHAN karena hari ini engkau membuat hidupku menjadi lebih berguna dan aku tidak akan pernah melupakan dan selalu berharap hari ini lebih baik daripada hari esok nantinya, amien..
Created By: Sony Kazekage Peanutgarden
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
it melt my heart, take care your mother such like this sony. don't ever change If one day you become successful
I'll be sony as well as you now, my friend..^_^
Thank you for give my testimonial comment in here.. (^^,)
I hope you enjoy my diary,your story _Sony_
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