My Diary Your Story: Differences Among Like, Love, and sweetheart:
=================ENGLISH LANGUAGE================
Opening the person that you love,
winter turned into a beautiful spring
Opening the person that you like,
winter is still winter only
the atmosphere is a little more beautiful
Opening the person that you love,
suddenly your heart beating faster
Opening the person that you like,
you just feel happy and excited just
If you look into the eyes of people who
you love, your eyes glazed
If you look into the eyes of people who
you like, you just smile
Opening the person that you love,
words that came out from the deepest feelings
Opening the person that you like,
only words out of my mind
If the person that you love cry,
you shall go cry side
If the person that you like cry,
you simply just entertaining
The feeling of love start from the eye, while
liking starts from the ear
So if you want to quit with someone,
simply by closing the ears.
But if you try to close your eyes from
the person that you love, love is transformed into
teardrop and continue to live in your heart
distance long enough.
"But in addition to taste like and love ...
there is a deeper feeling.
That feeling of affection .... sense that does not disappear as quickly as liking and love.
Feelings that can make you sacrifice for your loved ones.
Willing to suffer for the sake of happiness of your loved ones.
Love wants to have. But darling just wanted to
see loved ones happy ..
even have to lose. "
Unfortunately someone will not changed, although his heart hurt ...
injured person will make him learn about the gift of every human being given careful
Hearts held each other shortfalls every human being my soul is your soul .. my heart is your heart .. ....
so make it into 3 parts into 1 unit replaced with any reply ta ..
aq indeed very grateful ...
If you speaking ... speaking through by your heart ...
then it will answer them with honest ..
honestly very heavy, and very difficult ..
If he understood its meaning, would be very meaningfull guide us toward happiness ..
Will you share the happiness with me .....
in accordance with a distinguished endeavor and always prayer for the GOD
I dedicate this only for my LORD, you, and me ...
only he who knows the contents of my heart n soul ...
the reflection of the soul it mention a single word ....
namely ..........

winter turned into a beautiful spring
Opening the person that you like,
winter is still winter only
the atmosphere is a little more beautiful
Opening the person that you love,
suddenly your heart beating faster
Opening the person that you like,
you just feel happy and excited just
If you look into the eyes of people who
you love, your eyes glazed
If you look into the eyes of people who
you like, you just smile
Opening the person that you love,
words that came out from the deepest feelings
Opening the person that you like,
only words out of my mind
If the person that you love cry,
you shall go cry side
If the person that you like cry,
you simply just entertaining
The feeling of love start from the eye, while
liking starts from the ear
So if you want to quit with someone,
simply by closing the ears.
But if you try to close your eyes from
the person that you love, love is transformed into
teardrop and continue to live in your heart
distance long enough.
"But in addition to taste like and love ...
there is a deeper feeling.
That feeling of affection .... sense that does not disappear as quickly as liking and love.
Feelings that can make you sacrifice for your loved ones.
Willing to suffer for the sake of happiness of your loved ones.
Love wants to have. But darling just wanted to
see loved ones happy ..
even have to lose. "
Unfortunately someone will not changed, although his heart hurt ...
injured person will make him learn about the gift of every human being given careful
Hearts held each other shortfalls every human being my soul is your soul .. my heart is your heart .. ....
so make it into 3 parts into 1 unit replaced with any reply ta ..
aq indeed very grateful ...
If you speaking ... speaking through by your heart ...
then it will answer them with honest ..
honestly very heavy, and very difficult ..
If he understood its meaning, would be very meaningfull guide us toward happiness ..
Will you share the happiness with me .....
in accordance with a distinguished endeavor and always prayer for the GOD
I dedicate this only for my LORD, you, and me ...
only he who knows the contents of my heart n soul ...
the reflection of the soul it mention a single word ....
namely ..........
I Love You Sweetheart....
===============INDONESIAN LANGUAGE===============
Dihadapan orang yang kau cintai,
musim dingin berubah menjadi musim semi yang indah
Dihadapan orang yang kau sukai,
musim dingin tetap saja musim dingin hanya
suasananya lebih indah sedikit
Dihadapan orang yang kau cintai,
jantungmu tiba tiba berdebar lebih cepat
Dihadapan orang yang kau sukai,
kau hanya merasa senang dan gembira saja
Apabila engkau melihat kepada mata orang yang
kau cintai, matamu berkaca-kaca
Apabila engkau melihat kepada mata orang yang
kau sukai, engkau hanya tersenyum saja
Dihadapan orang yang kau cintai,
kata kata yang keluar berasal dari perasaan yang terdalam
Dihadapan orang yang kau sukai,
kata kata hanya keluar dari pikiran saja
Jika orang yang kau cintai menangis,
engkaupun akan ikut menangis disisinya
Jika orang yang kau sukai menangis,
engkau hanya menghibur saja
Perasaan cinta itu dimulai dari mata, sedangkan
rasa suka dimulai dari telinga
Jadi jika kau mau berhenti menyukai seseorang,
cukup dengan menutup telinga.
Tapi apabila kau mencoba menutup matamu dari
orang yang kau cintai, cinta itu berubah menjadi
tetesan air mata dan terus tinggal dihatimu dalam
jarak waktu yang cukup lama.
"Tetapi selain rasa suka dan rasa cinta...
ada perasaan yang lebih mendalam.
Yaitu rasa sayang.... rasa yang tidak hilang secepat rasa suka dan cinta.
Perasaan yang dapat membuat mu berkorban untuk orang yang kamu sayangi.
Mau menderita demi kebahagiaan orang yang kamu sayangi.
Cinta ingin memiliki. Tetapi Sayang hanya ingin
melihat orang yang disayanginya bahagia..
walaupun harus kehilangan."
Sayangnya seseorang tidak akn berubah, walaupun hatinya terluka...
luka seseorang akan membuatnya belajar mengenai anugrah setiap insan yg diberikan hati
Hati yang dimiliki akan saling menutupi kekurangan setiap insan manusia
jiwaku adalah jiwa-MU.. hatiku adalah hati-MU....
maka jadikanlah ke 3 bagian itu menjadi 1 kesatuan yg ta tergantikan dgn apapun..
sungguh aq sangat mensyukurinya...
Jika kamu berbicara... bicaralah melalui hatimu...
maka ia akan menjawabnya dgn jujur..
jujur sangat berat, dan sangat sulit..
maukah kau berbagi kebahagiaan itu bersama ku.....
sesuai dgn ikhtiar dan doa yg kupanjatkan hanya kepada-NYA..
Kupersembahkan ini hanya untuk-NYA, untukmu, dan diriku...
hanya dialah yg tau isi jiwa n hatiku...
maka cerminan jiwa itu menyebutkan satu kata saja....
Aishiteru ..........
Monday, February 21, 2011
Created By: Sony Kazekage Peanutgarden
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